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Opera Scenes Workshop@HKAPA 演藝歌劇選段工作坊

It was a very touching and emotional evening on the 15th January 2021 at the Academy Concert Hall as all vocal students took part in their first Opera Scenes Workshop since the lockdown due to COVID-19. The face masks on the singers did not dampen any spirit from the performers nor the fellow students and faculties who came to support them. They performed with super enthusiasm excerpts from operas by Handel, Mozart, Massenet and Verdi to great professional standard. With Associate Prof Hsu Wei-En at the piano as well as conducting (whilst Mr Timmy Tsang played for one of the excerpts), the show was directed by Prof Nancy Yuen, Head of Vocal Studies. 2021 年 1 月 15 日,由音樂學院聲樂系阮妙芬教授導演、徐惟恩副教授及曾華琛老師伴奏的《演藝歌劇選段工作坊》,於香港演藝學院音樂廳順利舉行。聲樂系學生在工作坊中分別演出了韓德爾、莫扎特、馬斯奈及威爾第的歌劇作品選段。時隔一年多,大家都為了能重新踏上舞台的難得機會全力以赴,讓歌聲傳遍每個角落,帶來了一個感動人心的黃昏。

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