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Introduction of the Performance 

December 2023 Performance 2023年12月演出

Carmen by Bizet 比才《卡門》

Premiere 首演年份:1875


法國作曲家比才(Georges Bizet)於1874年創作的歌劇《卡門》是世界上演出次數最多、最廣為人知的歌劇之一。故事發生於19世紀中葉西班牙塞維亞,西班牙吉卜賽女郎Carmen敢愛敢恨,她看上了沙展Don José,想盡辦法令他離開軍隊。Don José也慢慢地愛上了 Carmen。直到有天Carmen變心愛上了Escamillo,Don José徹底地感到絕望。他倆在鬥牛場前相遇,Don José懇求Carmen回心轉意,但Carmen拒絕,並跑去找Escamillo。最終,Don José一怒之下把匕首刺進了Carmen的胸膛,殺死了她。

April 2023 Performance 2023年4月演出

Based on historical events during the Roman civil war in Egypt, the opera tells the story of how Giulio Cesare (Julius Caesar) tries to bring peace to the turbulent relationship between the Egyptian and Roman empires, but is prevented from doing so by Tolomeo, king of Egypt. On the day after Giulio Cesare's victory over his rival Pompey, Cesare receives a visit from Cornelia, who begs him to spare her husband Pompey's life. Cesare's hopes of embracing his enemy are dashed when Tolomeo has Pompey's head delivered to Cesare as a gift. Sesto, Cornelia's son, swears to avenge his dead father. Disguised as Lydia, Tolomeo's sister Cleopatra attempts to seduce Cesare to win his support to become queen in place of the increasingly tyrannical Tolomeo. Her army is defeated by Tolomeo's men, but she is rescued by Cesare and falls into his arms. Tolomeo prepares to lead his troops but refuses Achilla (the loyal commander of his armies) the promised reward for defeating Cesare; Cornelia is to be his own prize. With so many people opposed to Tolomeo, a furious Achilla decides to switch his allegiance to Cleopatra. Meanwhile, Sesto has killed his enemy Tolomeo and avenged his father. The battle has been won. Sesto and Cornelia pledge their loyalty to Cesare and Cleopatra. Cesare crowns Cleopatra as sole Queen of Egypt. The lovers sing and all welcome the arrival of peace.



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