What is "Opera" 歌劇介紹
What is “Opera”
The Italian word “opera” actually means “work”. This Western traditional art form is a combination of music, drama, visual effects and occasionally, dance of which music has the most dominant role and the acting parts are taken by singers usually to the accompaniment of an orchestra in the orchestral pit led by the conductor. This musical, theatrical drama is also a feast for the ears as well as for the eyes as it is the amalgamation of singing, acting, costumes, scenery, props, lighting, special effects, orchestral playing, basically every aspect of performing arts. The instrumental playing and the singing are all presented without any artificial amplification and the performance is typically given in an opera house or theatre.
The very first opera appeared in 1600 and below are the 10 most performed operas around the world today:
La Traviata (by Verdi, premiered in 1853)
Carmen (by Bizet, premiered in 1875)
Die Zauberflöte (by Mozart, premiered in 1791)
La Bohème (by Puccini, premiered in 1896)
Tosca (by Puccini, premiered in 1900)
Il barbiere di Siviglia (by Rossini, premiered in 1816)
Rigoletto (by Verdi, premiered in 1851)
Le Nozze di Figaro (by Mozart, premiered in 1786)
Don Giovanni (by Mozart, premiered in 1787)
Madama Butterfly (by Puccini, premiered in 1904)
《茶花女》(威爾第 – 1853年首演)
《卡門》(比才 – 1875年首演)
《魔笛》(莫札特 – 1791年首演)
《波希米亞生涯》(浦契尼 – 1896年首演)
《托斯卡》(浦契尼 – 1900年首演)
《塞維爾理髮師》(羅西尼 – 1816年首演)
《弄臣》(威爾第 – 1851年首演)
《費加羅的婚禮》(莫札特 – 1786年首演)
《唐喬凡尼》(莫札特 – 1787年首演)
《蝴蝶夫人》(浦契尼 – 1904年首演)