Vocal Studies, School of Music
The comprehensive teaching programme of the Department of Vocal Studies is designed to prepare students for careers as singers through giving them a broad experience of the vocal repertoire for solo recitals, concert arias, oratorios and operas. Apart from their intensive weekly major study vocal and technical lessons, students receive vocal coaching, professional accompaniment, diction, language tuition, vocal pedagogy and ensemble classes.
Students have opportunities to perform regularly in the Academy Choir, as soloists in operas, in chamber music and in the regular public concerts of the Department of Vocal Studies. All vocal students take part in the annual fully-staged opera production in the Academy Drama Theatre under the guidance of eminent professional guest conductors and opera directors. In addition to the fully staged opera presentation in the second semester, costumed opera scenes with the Academy Symphony Orchestra are presented in the first semester of each year.
The curriculum is enriched with frequent masterclasses and workshops given by international visiting artists.
學生並會定期參與不同的公開演出,其中包括學院合唱團、歌劇獨唱、室內樂演唱和聲樂系公開音樂會。所有聲樂學生更會參加一年一度在演藝學院戲劇院舉行的歌劇表演,每次均邀請專業傑出的指揮家和歌劇導演指導和帶領他們演出。 除了在第二學期表演歌劇外,學生亦會在每年第一學期與演藝交響樂團聯袂舉行歌劇場景演出。
Department of Vocal Studies webpage 聲樂系網站: